Over the course of the next month we will be learning about the different forms of poetry through a webquest entitled The Cocoa CafĂ©. Each student will be required to submit a poetry portfolio as a final project on March 15th. I would like each student to decide on a portfolio type that matches his or her individual style. For example, if a student enjoys scrapbooking, he or she may want to make a portfolio “scrapbook”. If a student has a love of sports or animals, I would like for him or her to have the option to write a themed portfolio and possibly make a shaped book representing the theme. Of course a simple organized folder or binder is completely acceptable as long as it is inclusive of the outlined assignment. The evaluation webpage will help as a general guideline as to how to assemble the portfolio. Students may work on the webquest at home as well as in class. I will be going over EACH poem type and writing an example WITH the class. The final individual poems are up to each student to create for his or her portfolio. As a culminating activity for this unit, we have been given private use of Flesor’s Candy Kitchen to gather for a live poetry reading on Wednesday, March 24th! The reading usually lasts 30 minutes. You will have an opportunity to purchase ice cream and/or candy before and after the show! If you have any questions, please email me at ssmith@tuscola.k12.il.us.
The End
15 years ago